Tag: ssh

How to SSH into your Lightsail Server from Windows

Lightsail is an Amazon Web Services (AWS) offering that allows you to quickly spin up a preconfigured virtual private server (VPC). It’s a wizard-driven server deployment that has everything you need to get a server up and running quickly and for a low and predictable price of $5 month. It a great way to get your app, blog or website off of shared hosting and onto it’s own server where you don’t have to jockeying for resources and you can scale up, if needed (not a hot add, but there are ways to increase your bundle)

When you deploy your server, you’ll be asked to download your key pair.

If you didn’t do it then, you can always go back to your instance and download them now.

I’m working on a Windows 10 workstation, so I’ll be using Windows tools to do this:

  • PuTTY Key Generator
  • PuTTY

Both can be downloaded here.

These tasks can be done on Linux and MacOS using the native SSH commands from the terminal and the .pem.

Open PuTTY Key Generator. Go to Conversions > Import Key

Generate a private key with PuTTY Key Generator

Browse to the .pem you download from Lightsail. Click Save Private Key. Give the private key a name and click save.

Save the generated private key with Key Gen

enter hostname

Close key gen and launch PuTTY. Enter the server IP, under Saved Sessions, give it a name then click on Connection > SSH > Auth. Browse to the private key you just created. Scroll back up to the Session category and click Save. Click open to launch your SSH session. Log into the server with the username.

Browse to the private key

log into your server

Deprecated VMFS volumes found on the host Warning on ESXi after adding a datastore with Dell VSM

I’m running ESXi version 6.1 U1 and Dell Virtual Storage Manager  (VSM)version I added a datastore to  the cluster using VSM and on 2 of my hosts I got the following alert:



Enables SSH on the host and check out the logs.

In /var/log/hostd.log , I found the error:


 warning hostd[xXxXxX] [Originator@6876 sub=Hostsvc.DatastoreSystem opID=123456-789-abc-def user=vpxuser] UpdateConfigIssues: Deprecated VMFS filesystems detected. These volumes should be upgraded to the latest version.

When I created the datastore, I did select VMFS 5, so I wasn’t sure why this error appeared.


According to vmware KB2109735, this is a known issue in version 6.0 and there is no resolution. Just restart the management services and the message goes away.


#  /etc/init.d/hostd restart
#  /etc/init.d/vpxa restart

Then the message goes away.



This only happens to me when I create a datastore with VSM. If I present a disk from my array, set up the iSCSI connections and rescan, I don’t get this message. Your mileage may vary.

Updating the Drive Firmware on EqualLogic arrays

When you’re updating the firmware on EqualLogic arrays, this is also a good time to update the firmware on the hard disks as well. Check the recommended hard disk drive firmware on the eql support site (login required). Compare your hard drives revision number against the ones listed under the ‘affect hard drives’ section of the page. Open either group manager or San HQ and review the current firmware revision.

Confirm current drive firmware version

In group manager, Group + Members + Array + Disks tab.

version of your disk drives

In SanHQ, Default Server + Select Group + Hardware /Firmware + Disks


If you find your disks drives require a firmware upgrade, plan to update.

FTP the firmware update to the array

Download the firmware update kit from the EQL support site.  FTP to the array.  Here is an example:

Open the connection to the array via IP or hostname and log in with an account that has admin privileges, like grpadmin.

Change to binary mode and ‘put’ the kit_vxxxx_DriveFW_xxxxxxxxxx.tgz file on the array. Once the transfer is complete, close and bye.


Run the update

Now, SSH into the array and begin the update.

Type ‘update‘ and confirm that you’d like to proceed with the update.


Depending on the number of drives in your array, this will only take a few minutes.



Confirm new firmware version

Check group manager or SAN HQ and confirm your new hard drive firmware version.

newfw-sanhq newfw-group





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