Tag: security

Check the hash on a file using PowerShell

Checking the hash of a file you’ve downloaded from the internet is very good practice. It’s a way to ensure the file you’re downloading hasn’t been tampered with, according to the hash provided on the site you’re downloading from.

Since Powershell 4.0, Get-FileHash has been a way to check the hash signature of a file.

A powershell windows showing the Get-FileHash command

Get-FileHash -Path C:\Path\to\file\file.exe -Algorithm SHA256

Get-FileHash can check the following signatures:

  • SHA1
  • SHA256 (default value)
  • SHA384
  • SHA512
  • MACTripleDES
  • MD4
  • RIPEMD160

Error Applying Security- Access is Denied

Windows server administration is not without those DOH! moments. How is it that I, the administrator cannot change the permissions on a folder?

Access Denied Message
I will not be denied

The easiest way to fix this is to take ownership of the folder using the TAKEOWN command. Takeown is a tool that will allow an administrator to recover access to a file or folder that was denied by reassigning ownership. Open the command prompt and run as administrator.

takeown /f F:\FolderName /r /d y

/f  Specify the file name or directory

/r Recurse through all directories and sub directories

/d  Prompt with an answer of Yes

Now you can change the permissions as needed.

Windows Security Prompt
That’s more like it
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