Tag: msiexec

The System Administrator has set policies to prevent this installation

OS: windows 2012 R2 Standard

While installing Installing LAPSx64.msi, I’d get this error message when installing via double-clicking.

Window Error Dialog  box

When I’d install it from the command-line (elevated), I’d get a different error.

> msiexec /a "LAPSx64.msi"
Window Error Dialog Box

Launch gpedit.msc and browse to Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Template > Windows Components > Windows Installer. Select the “Turn off Windows Installer” setting and click edit policy setting. Enable the policy and in the options pane, click the down arrow under “Disable Windows Installer” and select “never”. Click apply.

Windows Group Policy Editor

Retry the install.

Installer must be run as administrator

I just got a call from the helpdesk that a tech wasn’t able to install from an MSI on the apps share from a file server. I checked his share & security permissions (OK) he could install other MSIs(OK)

I copied the file to the workstation he was working on and still the same error. Whelp, it’s not the share. Checked that he was in the local admins group on that Windows 10 workstation (OK) had him reboot and still no go. He was not able to run the MSI on this system. I had him launch an command prompt as administrator, browse to where I put the MSI and had him install using msiexec.

msiexec /a "NameOfInstaller.msi"

The /a option means to install it as administrator. It worked for him.

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