Tag: licencing

Veeam Backup & Replication stops when temp license expired

Veeam License Expired Error Message
Veeam Backup & Replication (VBR)  and Enterprise Manager(EM) Version
Windows Version 2016
Veeam Agent for Windows(VAW) 2.0

After downloading and installing the Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows on my workstation and adding the agent to VBR, I scheduled my job and let it run. However, I let the license expire before purchasing one.

Veeam License Expired Error Message

Every backup in my vSphere environment stopped backing up on schedule. Manual jobs ran and completed, but nothing would run as scheduled. Here is the proper way of removing the expired license from VBR.

Launch the command prompt as Administratrator and cd to C:\Program Files\Veeam\Backup and Replication\Enterprise Manager. Enter:

> Veeam.Backup.EnterpriseService.exe -removelicense vaw


Command to remove licenses
You’ll be prompted to continue the license removal, press y.
Next, restart both VBR and EM and verify at all licenses have been removed. Test your jobs by rescheduling one for a few minutes out, once the job runs, the hosts that the VMs run on will begin to re-add themselves to Licensed Hosts.



Activating Windows Server 2012 with MAK key

It appears the default activation in Windows Server 2012 is KMS.


Since I’m a primarily a 2008 R2 shop and this is my first ‘real’ 2012 server, I was waiting for the prompt to activate it with my MAK key, but when I clicked Activate, it gave me an error about KMS.

The quick way to activate your server with MAK is to Open a command prompt and run as administrator.

Run As Administrator

At the prompt, enter: slmgr.vbs /ipk xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx

replace the Xs with your MAK Key and hit enter.

Enter Key

Your copy of Windows Server is now activated.


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